New UK Book Releases: 2024 Week #21

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This is another weekly post I introduced in 2022 which will show some of the new UK Book releases each week.

These will be books on my to buy list, that I have found from various sources.

New Releases:

💜 The Life Changing Magic of Falling in Love – Eve Devon

Genre: Romance

Publisher: One More Chapter

Publishing Date: 24.05.24

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Everything in Ashleigh’s life is completely fine. Sure, she avoids conversations with her mother at all costs, but doesn’t everyone? And yes, she did turn down that promotion at work, but she loves her job just as it is, right? Oh, and she has had to ask her friends to set up dates for her, but New York dating is awful for everyone, isn’t it?

George is not ok. The beating in his chest isn’t normal, is it? If he could just secure that promotion at work moving to New York would all be worth it, wouldn’t it?

Ashleigh and George haven’t met yet, but Ashleigh knows a lot of things about George. She knows he loves soccer, that he likes his house to smell of the ocean breeze and that he’s a whizz at crosswords. All George knows about Ashleigh is that since she became his cleaner everything in his life is a little better.

Neither of them knows that their worlds are about to collide. Could they be just what the other one needs?

Goodreads rating: 3.47

💜 The Blood Promise – Liz Mistry

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Publisher: HQ Stories

Publishing Date: 23.05.24

Synopsis from Goodreads:

A deadly gift

Imogen Clark wakes up on her 16th birthday to find her parents dead at the breakfast table, along with a message from their killer.

A twist of fate

Detectives Jazzy Solanki and Annie McQueen join the investigation, but the more they discover, the more Jazzy suspects that the killing is a twisted message for her. Jazzy shares the same birthday as Imogen, and believes that this is more than a coincidence.

A race to catch a killer

When Jazzy discovers the connection between the killer and the stalker who has been following her for years, she is forced to confront the dark past she was desperate to keep hidden. She must stop at nothing to solve the case, before she becomes the next victim…

Goodreads Rating: 4.23

💜 Come Fly With Me – Helen Rolfe

Genre: Romance

Publisher: Boldwood Books

Publishing Date: 22.05.24

Synopsis from Goodreads:

A Second Chance…

For Maya, serving as a pilot in the Whistlestop River air ambulance team is a dream come true. And now, with her divorce from her overbearing husband finally complete, flying over the fields of Dorset, and saving lives with the Skylarks, is the centre of her world. If only her ex would accept their separation as readily as she had, life would be perfect…

A fresh start…

Having recently transferred from London to Dorset, paramedic Noah is ready for a new start. But he’s brought with him a lot of baggage, not least his infant niece who he’s been looking after since his sister died unexpectedly earlier that year. Noah adores Eva, but is he really cut out to look after a baby?

A risk worth taking?

When Noah and Maya find themselves on the same rescue team, they’re immediately drawn to each other. Yet, with so many complications in their personal lives, do they have time to open their hearts to someone new?

As their friendship grows, Noah and Maya are both about to discover that life is worth nothing unless you share it with the people you love.

Goodreads Rating: 4.45

Released in Paperback:

💜 Hey, Zoey – Sarah Crossan

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Publisher: Bloomsbury Circus

Publishing Date: 23.05.24

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Dolores O’Shea’s marriage collapses when she discovers her husband’s AI sex doll in the garage. When she moves “Zoey” into the house, they become oddly bonded, opening the door to a lifetime of repressed feelings and memories. Darkly funny and endlessly sharp, Hey, Zoey is a propulsive story of love, family, and trauma in our tech-buffered age of alienation as strange as it is familiar.

43-year-old Dolores O’Shea is logical, organized, and prepared to handle whatever comes her way. She keeps up with her job and housework, takes care of her mentally declining mother, and remains close with her old friends and her younger sister who’s moved to New York. Though her marriage with David, an anesthesiologist, isn’t what is used to be, nothing can quite prepare her for Zoey, the $8,000 AI sex doll that David has secretly purchased and stuffed away in the garage. At first, Zoey sparks an uncharacteristically strong violence in Dolores, whose entire life is suddenly cast in doubt.
But then, Dolores and Zoey start to talk…and what surfaces runs deeper than Dolores could have ever expected, with consequences for all of the relationships in her life, especially her relationship to herself.

Goodreads Rating: 3.60

💜 Her Last Summer – Nina Manning

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Publisher: Boldwood Books

Publishing Date: 30.05.24

Synopsis from Goodreads:

When out of work actress Rey Levine is offered her dream acting role, she knows she has to make it work. But there’s a the film calls for Rey to swim, something she hasn’t done since her last fateful summer holiday fifteen years ago. The summer her sister disappeared…and everyone blamed Rey.

Rey will do anything to block out the painful memories, but it means her current life is in freefall – drink and men her drugs of choice.

With her first dip in the cool water, Rey thinks she’s found the perfect escape. But as the water holds her, old memories float to the surface, forcing Rey to remember the terrible summer she’d rather forget.

But someone doesn’t want the truth to surface. Not now, not ever… And they’re prepared to ruin Rey’s life all over again.

Goodreads Rating: 3.71

💜 Identical – Saskia Sarginson

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Publisher: Boldwood Books

Publishing Date: 28.05.24

Synopsis from Goodreads:

‘Please, I need your help. You’re the only person I can turn to. The only person who can pretend to be me…’

When Alice gets a desperate message from her estranged identical twin sister Cecily, she can’t help herself. She has to say yes. Pushing down the memories of the terrible childhood that ultimately tore them apart, she arrives at her sister’s house.

Cecily has left instructions: how to work the oven, what to cook for supper, what to say to her husband.

She says she’ll only be gone a week. She just needs to contact a lawyer, sort her head out, and work out how to get away from her marriage safely.

Alice barely knows why she’s agreed. But as she puts the key in the door, she wonders if – in coming to help her sister – she might be putting herself in the most terrible danger.

Because when Cecily stops replying to messages, and the words ‘die, die, die’ appear scrawled in lipstick on the bathroom mirror, Alice realizes – someone is out to get Cecily. And now they think Alice is her…

Goodreads Rating: 3.88

Congratulations to all the authors and publishers with releases this week.

Hope you find something you like on the post?

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