On the Edge – Sarah Turner

I received an E-ARC copy of ‘On the Edge’ by Sarah Turner from the publisher Transworld Books through NetGalley, in return for my honest review. Thank you to the publisher for my copy. Publishing Date 04.07.24.

This uplifting and emotional read follows Joni as she, along with family are invited to spend a week together. Joni has always felt an outsider in her family, so she is reluctant to attend.

Her Nana has recently passed away and is behind calling the family together. She has left a plan with her friends and set activities the family must complete together before they are able to read the will and scatter her ashes.

The activities, although fun, bring them all out of their comfort zone, but they are all determined to complete them all and follow the instructions left for them.

Will they complete all the activities? Will it bring the family closer together?

This book leaves you with so emotions, as you laugh and cry along with the family members as they try to get through the week and through all the activities. I think I’m going to struggle to write a review that will show how much I enjoyed reading this book.

I think the funniest part for me is hearing Sue, Nana’s friend trying to use emoji’s correctly, oh and one of the activities being particularly awkward.

The character I love the most is Joni’s Stepbrothers son, he is a lovely little boy and helps bring the family even closer, even if he doesn’t mean to.

Overall, an uplifting and emotional read full of humour, as a family try to last a week of activities set by their late Nana.

My Rating:

💜💜💜💜💜 /5

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